Conflict at IPICYT in 2009

We present the most relevant facts about the problem in 2009

February 28th. First meeting of the AMD with Dr. David Ríos and Dr. Marcial Bonilla and CONACYT observers. The N&N group presents a formal proposal for a separate unit. The proposal of the Materials Groups basically asks to regroup the AMD and to remain working together, arguing that they needed the support of the N&N group and that no problem exists.

March 12th. Second meeting of the AMD with Dr. David Ríos and Dr. Marcial Bonilla and CONACYT observers.

Some agreements are made:
Two groups are clearly separated: the Materials Science Group and the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology group. Both groups should work separately to avoid aggressions and discussions.

People of IPCIYT, of the N&N group and the two external observers were going to work to find the means for an efficient formation of a Nano unit.

November, Dr. Miguel Angel Vidal Borbolla along with Dr. Rios Jara, ordered the eviction of three working areas used by the NyN group, which were occupied by a cluster of computers and two laboratories (mesoporous materials and heat treatment), giving only five days to perform this action. Professors, technicians and students requested a meeting with the General Director, which was denied and only confirmed orders to evacuate the areas. The actions taken before made clear that the policy of Dr. Rios Jara, Dr. Vidal Borbolla and Dr. Bonilla Marin did not contain principles to support the students since for trying to damage the group of researchers from NyN they in consequence damage us.

December. By the last labor day of 2009, the profiles of doctors Terrones were no longer active in the IPICYT official website, their email accounts had been disabled

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